32 Years experience in the agricultural industry

Turnkey agricultural projects

Best Professionals located around the world

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2002-8 Copinol SARL (Terra-Verde)
Consultation, Planning and Set-Up of Agricultural Training Center includes 5 Ha Greenhouses and 30 Ha Open-Field Vegetable crops farm in the region of Sequele. The project includes 5 years contract of farm ongoing management.
2004-6 The muldiciplinary center – N’zogy
Consultation, Planning and Set-Up of Agricultural farm for a multidisciplinary school: 16 Ha. Of vegetable crops, 8 Ha. Of Fruit trees plantation and 1 Ha. of nursery for seedling production, including farm center buildings and all farm facilities.
2004-7 Copinol SARL (Avinova)
Planning and set-up and on-going management of Integrated poultry farm, includes: Hatchery, Feed-mill, Pullets, Broilers, Layers and Slaughter-house- for the production of 2,000 tons broilers meat and 20,000 eggs annually.
2005-8 Catinda Ltda.
Consultation, Planning and Set-Up of Agricultural farm: 50 Ha. Of vegetable crops, 50 Ha. Of Fruit trees plantation and 10 Ha. Of Net houses for vegetables growing, including farm center buildings and all farm facilities.
2005-6 Agro-Wako Ltda.
Consultation, Planning and Set-Up of Agricultural farm: 200 Ha. Of vegetable and field crops, irrigated by center pivot irrigation machines, 5 Ha. of Fruit trees plantation and 5 Ha. of grapes and winery, including farm center buildings and all farm facilities.


1990 Nueva California
Consultation, Planning and Set-Up of Greenhouses and Open-Field Vegetable crop farm in the region of Catamarka.
1990-1992 Tawil & Co.
Set-up of a Show-Farm for Greenhouses, in the region of La-Plata.


2002 Kahmanzi
Dairy farm 250 milking cows, milking parlor and processing line.


1991-1992 Storko
Consultation for processing factory (frozen vegetables) for the production of Beans, Corn, Peas and Broccoli.


2009 Ministry of Agriculture
Agricultural survey for 9 projects in the region og Logone.


1996 Hacienda Cammarones
Project survey for a Greenhouses and Open-Field projects for Vegetables and Flowers growing in the regions of Copiapo and Tongoy, including marketing tir-up.


2008 Of Oz Ltd. Suchin, China
Planning of Integrated poultry farm includes: Hatchery, Feed-mill, Pullets, Broilers, and Slaughter-house- for the production of 90,000 tons broilers meat annually.


1996-1999 Double-Contact Group
Establishing of Melon export system from Greece to W. Europe, including Growing, Sorting, Packing, Quality control, Transportation and marketing.


1998 MOA
Irrigation and Crop production programs for the production of Vegetables, Corn and Ground-nuts, for the local market and export.